Eligibility Post 2020

In a year that felt anything but sunny, I had two solar-themed books come out in 2020: BLACK SUN (adult) and RACE TO THE SUN (middle grade).

BLACK SUN is a big, sprawling epic fantasy set in a secondary world inspired by the pre-Columbian Americas. Kirkus said it was “rich, detailed, and expertly constructed.[…] A beautifully crafted setting with complex character dynamics and layers of political intrigue[.] Perfection.” It was named a best of 2020 by the NYPL, Amazon, Tor Reviewer’s Choice, Kirkus, and more.

RACE TO THE SUN is a fast-paced adventure story steeped in traditional Navajo stories but set in a thoroughly contemporary setting where the kids band together to defeat a monster, eat a lot of hot Cheetos, and learn something about the power of family and traditions along the way. It is an Amazon Editor’s Pick.

Both are eligible for awards in their respective categories and I hope people consider nominating them, but even more, I hope people read and enjoy them. It was a challenging year to publish but there is a veritable feast of great SFF this year. Thanks for your consideration.

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